


Of Industry Influence Throughout East Africa

The Fund Managers Association (the FMA or the Association) is a Kenyan trade association established in 2008 to promote responsible and sustainable asset management. Membership in the Association is open to Capital Markets Authority (CMA) licensed organizations who manage funds on behalf of their clientele.

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Asset Management

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Fund Management

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Membership Support

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About FMA

Assets & Funds Management

FMA members manage the bulk of the funds from retirement benefit schemes. Managing institutional and individual investors’ funds, in investable securities throughout East Africa, FMA members contribute to the growth, development and sustainability of Kenya’s capital market and economy.

Membership Support

The FMA supports its members by actively engaging with policy makers, regulators, and other stakeholders through discussions and submission of ideas, proposals and concerns. Every year, the FMA submits budget proposals related to the fund management industry as requested by the CMA and the Retirement Benefit Authority (RBA). In addition, FMA members meet with the regulators to discuss pertinent issues within the industry. These issues include the raising of ethical standards, development of new products, implementation of new regulations, training requirements, etc.

Our Core

So as to remain relevant and sustainable in expanding and increasingly competitive markets, which are witnessing the introduction of new financial instruments, the FMA has set the following objectives:

To facilitate self – regulation and promote the highest professional standards, integrity and ethical conduct amongst members

To promote the interests of members in a professional and ethical manner

To engage with regulators on matters not limited to legislation, policy and taxation to grow the capital market;

To facilitate a forum through which members can consult and advance all such matters of mutual concern and common interest, so as to speak with one voice and lobby effectively

To promote investment products through education

Our Core Values

The Association in support of investing responsibly upholds the values of:


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Clients Saying

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Our Core Values

The Association in support of investing responsibly upholds the values of:


Security Financial

Upto 25% Asests

Global Flexibility Investment

Upto 75% Asests

Financial & Consulting Award 2019-2020

Founding Members

Current Members

Founding Members

Current Members

Current Members


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    Our CSR Projects


    What’s Happening

    From Strategy Sessions to Awards, Quiz Nights to Networking Sessions, FMA is constantly engaging it’s members in events aimed at improving Sustainable Investment.

    see latest updates

    What’s Happening

    From Strategy Sessions to Awards, Quiz Nights to Networking Sessions, FMA is constantly engaging it's members in events aimed at improving Sustainable Investment.

    Stanbic Bank Thought Leadership Forum

    Fionca employee help you to take action for best strate...

    Finance Bill 2024 submissions

    Fionca employee help you to take action for best strate...


    What Our
    Members Say

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    What’s Happening


    FMA CEO Fred Mburu on the Trading Bell Show

    Fionca employee help you to take action for best strategy since it’s important for a company.If you find better idea it’s important


    Stanbic Bank Thought Leadership Forum

    Fionca employee help you to take action for best strategy since it’s important for a company.If you find better idea it’s important


    Finance Bill 2024 submissions

    Fionca employee help you to take action for best strategy since it’s important for a company.If you find better idea it’s important


    What Our Loving
    Clients Saying

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